Journalism Versus Entertainment: An Analysis of the Linus Media Group Situation

Hunter Rand
11 min readAug 16, 2023

An Introduction:

In recent days, I’ve been closely following the unfolding situation between Gamers Nexus and Linus Media Group (LMG), and I’m eager to dissect the events from my distinct vantage point. Surprisingly, amidst the unfolding drama, I’ve noticed a conspicuous absence of comprehensive analyses beyond YouTube and community discussions. Thus, I’ve taken it upon myself to provide an insightful breakdown of the situation.

Allow me to offer a glimpse into my background: presently, I am the Managing Partner at Eddy Westin and Company, an innovative creative services agency based in Sparks, Nevada. My professional pursuits extend further as I also serve as the lead Steadicam Operator at Greater Nevada Field/Reno Aces and as a Director and Engineer for Gustin Sports Productions. I graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno, attaining a B.A. in Journalism with a complementary minor in Art Studio. I also hold a Nevada Safety and Health Practitioner certification from Nevada SCATS/Division of Industrial Relations. Prior to my present endeavors, I honed my skills as the Lead Cinematographer and Editor at Inkblot Marketing, Director of Social Media for Nevada Women’s Basketball, and CTE Video Production Instructor at Spanish Springs High School. Notably, I am a valued member of the San Francisco chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. These qualifications not only afford me a unique perspective on the matter at hand but also establish my expertise in discussing the intricacies of this situation.

The crux of the matter was unveiled on August 14th, 2023, when Gamers Nexus (GN) aired a comprehensive 44-minute video, delving into their grievances with Linus Tech Tips. In this video, Steve Burke eloquently highlighted discrepancies in LMG’s videos, erroneous statements, and a particularly telling instance involving a Billet Labs cooler. To gain a thorough understanding, I strongly recommend watching Burke’s video in its entirety. Without delving into a complete recap, it’s imperative to recognize that one of Burke’s major contentions against Linus Media Group (LMG) lies in their data accuracy and testing methodologies. He posits that these lapses can be attributed to a quantity-over-quality approach, which appears to stem from stringent time constraints that LMG employees face. The Billet Labs cooler incident cited in the video further compounds these concerns; LMG declined retesting the cooler due to associated labor costs, despite initial tests being conducted on an incorrect GPU. Consequently, this oversight led to an unfavorable product recommendation in the video, an issue that was reiterated in a subsequent episode of the WAN show.

Screen capture of Steve Burke, Gamers Nexus.

Looking ahead, August 16th, 2023 marked a pivotal juncture as LMG responded to both GN and the wider community with a candid 20-minute video. In this comprehensive response, LMG articulates their perspective on the issues, outlines their future strategies, and addresses broader concerns. While I’ll delve into the intricacies of this response later, I highly recommend viewing their video for a firsthand understanding of their stance.

Screen capture of Linus Sebastian, Linus Media Group.

Why Does it Matter?

You might be wondering, “Why does this dispute between two YouTube channels matter?” It’s a valid question — after all, it seems like a simple disagreement in the realm of online content creation. However, this situation touches upon a crucial element of modern culture: influencer culture, which is inherently tied to ethical considerations.

The impact of this dispute extends far beyond the YouTube community and the immediate followers of these channels. If you haven’t directly engaged with content from Linus Media Group (LMG), chances are you’ve still been indirectly influenced by their work. As someone deeply immersed in the world of broadcast engineering, video production, and filmmaking, I can attest to the profound influence LMG has had on technical education and career paths. Nearly 15 years ago, I embarked on my technical journey by learning from YouTube tutorials, with LMG playing a pivotal role. I’m not alone in this experience — countless individuals have kickstarted their careers in diverse tech-related fields, all thanks to the accessible and enjoyable content produced by LMG. They managed to democratize complex subjects, making them both comprehensible and enjoyable.

However, the reach of LMG’s influence extends far beyond the community of enthusiasts. Many decisions made by people in positions of authority and influence have been, in part, shaped by the content LMG and similar creators produce. I can personally attest to this fact, having modeled my substantial workstation PC build on an LMG creation. Even my approach to server and datacenter operations has been heavily influenced by ServeTheHome, another prominent YouTube channel. In the realm of broadcast television equipment, I’ve drawn inspiration from LMG and fellow content creators. What’s more, I’m confident that this influence has transcended my domain and seeped into IT departments in workplaces, school districts, government agencies, and various other sectors.

Linus Media Group isn’t just a group of content creators; they hold the mantle of influencers. And with this designation comes a profound responsibility. Their content doesn’t merely entertain; it shapes perspectives, drives decisions, and guides actions. The power of their influence demands a conscientious approach, especially when their insights ripple through industries and impact the very way technology is employed in countless settings.

Follow the Money:

Much like established television networks such as ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, and CNN, Linus Media Group (LMG) and Gamers Nexus (GN) operate within a media landscape driven by viewership, engagement, and revenue generation. The comparison isn’t far-fetched; just as traditional TV networks thrive on ratings and ad revenue, LMG and GN harness similar dynamics, albeit in the digital sphere.

In this modern age of media consumption, viewership serves as the lifeblood of content creators. The more eyes on a screen, the greater the potential for monetization through sponsorships, advertisements, and various services. LMG, like its television counterparts, understands the integral link between viewership and financial viability. However, recognizing the perils of relying on a solitary platform, LMG has adroitly diversified its presence. While maintaining a stronghold on YouTube, LMG has strategically expanded its footprint to encompass multiple video platforms across different regions. This strategic diversification mitigates the risks associated with depending solely on one channel and broadens their potential audience.

Yet, LMG’s forward-thinking doesn’t stop at diversifying platforms. They’ve ventured into merchandise, crafting a unique line of high-quality products that resonate with their audience. This approach echoes the practices of traditional media outlets, which often capitalize on branded merchandise as an additional revenue stream. From clothing and accessories to specialized tools, LMG has transformed its brand into a tangible entity that resonates beyond the confines of digital screens.

By adopting these strategies, LMG underscores the modern reality that successful media enterprises transcend singular platforms. They encapsulate the ethos of adaptable and innovative business models, sustaining themselves through a multifaceted approach to revenue generation. Much like the traditional giants of broadcast media, LMG’s journey exemplifies the intricate interplay between viewership, diversification, and sustainable financial growth.

Entertainment Verses Journalism

A noteworthy challenge faced by many modern media platforms is the delicate differentiation between entertainment and journalism, often leading to an intriguing convergence of the two. Take, for instance, the case of John Oliver’s show “Last Week Tonight,” which frequently delivers comedic takes on significant current events. John Oliver, renowned for his comedic talents showcased in works like “Community,” “The Smurfs,” and “The Lion King,” offers a unique perspective that blends humor with news commentary. While it’s easy to categorize his show as entertainment, the line between entertainment and legitimate journalism becomes blurred, especially considering the incisive investigations and insights he delivers.

John Oliver isn’t an isolated case in this regard. Jon Stewart, who initially made his mark through a similar format on Comedy Central, later transitioned into advocating for veterans and 9/11 first responders in Congress. Such examples underscore the fluid relationship between entertainment and journalism, where content can seamlessly cross over from one realm to the other.

Screen capture of John Oliver on “Last Week Tonight.”

Enter the realm of Linus Media Group (LMG) and Gamers Nexus (GN). Gamers Nexus consistently positions itself as a news outlet rooted in journalism ethics — a stance they uphold through their transparent hardware testing methodologies and a readily accessible ethics statement. Their commitment to accuracy and credibility is evident in various aspects, even down to their charitable endeavors, where they provide transparent explanations for their choices.

Conversely, Linus Media Group, while distinct in its own right, may not exhibit the same level of explicit commitment to journalism ethics. Although they attempt to communicate the nature of their videos — whether reviews, sponsored content, or entertainment-focused pieces — issues arise when the lines between these categories blur. The challenge arises when videos necessitate journalistic principles but do not seem to adhere to them consistently.

Consider the Billet Labs video debacle as an illustrative case. The video’s entertainment value stemmed from examining a unique and expensive prototype cooler from a smaller company. However, the issue emerged from the conclusion they reached, or rather, failed to reach. Billet Labs claimed their cooler was tested with an RTX 3090 GPU, but LMG tested it with an RTX 4090 GPU, raising concerns about the validity of their assessment. Despite receiving an opportunity for retesting, LMG declined, citing potential labor costs — money over accuracy.

This decision, while seemingly innocuous, exposes a deeper concern — minimizing harm. A fundamental principle of journalism is to minimize harm, ensuring that the actions of journalists do not unduly damage individuals, products, or reputations. By not retesting the product and publishing a flawed video, potential harm to Billet Labs and its reputation was not adequately mitigated. This instance underscores the importance of adhering to journalistic ethics, regardless of whether a platform leans more toward entertainment or information dissemination.

Linus’ subsequent response to the situation on the WAN show hints at a perception that LMG may be viewed as an entertainment entity, potentially influencing the weight given to accuracy and testing methodologies. This transition toward a more entertainment-centric approach inadvertently highlights the need for a framework that aligns the principles of both worlds — entertainment and journalism.

The Lab:

Over the past year, Linus Media Group (LMG) has embarked on a noteworthy endeavor — the establishment of The Lab, a dedicated testing laboratory equipped with specialized tools aimed at scrutinizing manufacturers’ claims and ensuring accountability. This strategic move underscores a clear ambition to evolve from a predominantly entertainment-driven platform to a more journalistic and informative entity. The resources invested in The Lab are a testament to LMG’s recognition of the need to hold electronics manufacturers to high standards and provide accurate information to its audience.

However, this transition has not been without its challenges. While The Lab signifies a commendable step towards fostering journalism, concerns have arisen surrounding the accuracy of LMG’s data and the transparency of their testing methodologies. As Gamers Nexus (GN) pointed out, instances of incorrect data and unclear methodologies have cast a shadow over LMG’s journalistic pursuits. These discrepancies, whether inadvertent or not, have implications beyond mere technicalities. They impact the credibility of the information disseminated and the trust that viewers place in LMG’s content.

The heart of the matter lies in the juxtaposition between LMG’s investment in The Lab and the continued publication of what appears to be entertainment content masquerading as journalism. This conundrum raises ethical questions given LMG’s substantial platform and influence. With a sizable audience and the capacity to shape perceptions and decisions, LMG carries a responsibility to uphold the principles of ethical journalism. The distinction between entertainment and journalism is pivotal, especially in a landscape where blurred lines can result in misinformation or a dilution of facts.

While it’s crucial to acknowledge the inherent challenges of the quantity-over-quality approach — one that LMG seems to grapple with — there’s an imperative for continuous improvement. Elevating the standards of accuracy, transparency, and journalistic integrity is paramount, especially as LMG endeavors to bridge the gap between entertainment and journalism. The transition to a more informed, fact-driven approach may require a reevaluation of priorities, a commitment to refining methodologies, and an unwavering dedication to providing accurate information to their audience.

In essence, the evolution of LMG’s mission from entertainment to journalism, as evidenced by the establishment of The Lab, is a commendable and promising trajectory. Yet, aligning their content with the principles of ethical journalism remains an ongoing journey — one that necessitates introspection, adaptation, and a steadfast commitment to delivering reliable information to a wide and diverse audience.

What do we do now?:

On August 16th, 2023, Linus Media Group (LMG) released a response video titled “What do we do now?” which offers valuable insights into the ongoing situation. It is strongly recommended viewing, particularly for those seeking a comprehensive understanding of the developments. However, for the purpose of this analysis, the spotlight is turned to Linus Sebastian’s segment within the video.

Linus’s candid reflection on allowing emotions to guide his responses over the years provides a glimpse into the human element behind the content creation process. Acknowledging the influence of emotions in decision-making is an important step toward transparency and accountability. However, a pivotal moment arises when Linus addresses the Billet Labs situation. Here, a distinct shift occurs as he alludes to an employee, Colton Potter, regarding the handling of the matter.

This moment has elicited scrutiny and raised concerns, as it touches upon elements crucial to ethical journalism. Linus’s choice to seemingly attribute blame to a team member and the absence of a comprehensive apology within this context can be perceived as a missed opportunity for sincere accountability. A genuine commitment to self-improvement often encompasses openly acknowledging mistakes and outlining a path toward rectification.

Ethical responsibility extends beyond acknowledging errors; it involves a dedication to learning from them and actively working towards a better future. Linus’s video, while offering insights into the human aspect of content creation, may have fallen short in fully embracing this principle. An earnest acknowledgment of the missteps and a tangible plan for improvement are fundamental components of ethical conduct, particularly for a platform with substantial influence.

In the realm of journalism, self-reflection and the capacity to adapt in the face of criticism are vital. Linus’s response, while offering a perspective on his emotional journey, could have further solidified its impact by embodying the ethos of ethical journalism and ethical content creation — addressing mistakes, striving for improvement, and reinforcing a commitment to delivering accurate and reliable content.

A Conclusion:

While Linus Media Group (LMG) has expressed a collective commitment to improvement, it’s important to consider the broader context. The recent video, “What do we do now?”, serves as a pivotal moment in LMG’s journey toward self-improvement and ethical journalism. This acknowledgment signifies a step in the right direction, illustrating a recognition of the need to uphold higher standards.

However, it’s worth noting that this isn’t the first instance where Linus Sebastian’s emotional responses have led to controversy. A history of such incidents prompts reflection on the efficacy of the organization’s efforts to implement lasting change. As with any commitment to improvement, the true test lies in the sustained actions taken over time.

The challenges that LMG faces extend beyond the individual; they encompass the collective ethos and practices of the organization. For the evolution to be meaningful and effective, it requires consistent dedication from all members, a reevaluation of processes, and a steadfast commitment to adhering to the principles of ethical journalism.

In the realm of journalism, actions often speak louder than words. The path forward demands a comprehensive approach — holding themselves accountable for mistakes, actively learning from them, and demonstrating a genuine drive to rectify past missteps. Ethical conduct isn’t a single decision; it’s an ongoing journey that necessitates vigilance, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace change.

In conclusion, the recent commitments made by LMG mark a noteworthy stride towards improvement and ethical journalism. Yet, the ultimate measure of their success will be determined by their sustained dedication to these ideals. As time unfolds, the trajectory of change will show whether LMG’s transformation is a fleeting moment or a profound and lasting shift that resonates with their audience and the broader media landscape.

